Today I will show you how to build a simple trance gate using Ableton's gate device! The trance gate is a very popular way to create interesting patterns from pads sound or long sustained notes. Many synth has the ability to use this kind of trance gate method in order to create exciting patterns during the breakdown or during the whole track. You can use it several ways but the most important thing before you do that is to create a trance gate pattern. So let's do it!
Step 1: Create Channels and Devices
Gates and Triggers Explained Return to the Moog Menu. The goal of this page is to squash the confusion over Gates and Triggers. In the Beginning, Dr. Bob Moog's modular systems used a signal called 'Trigger' to identify when a key on the keyboard was pressed and released. This signal could also be generated by other sources such as foot pedals. Dec 27, 2019 Yes, you read that right- 400 VSTs completely free of charge! We’ve spent countless days digging through the web to find the very best free plugins. We found close 400 free VSTs of all types, including one VST whose sole purpose is to crash your DAW. ( FREE SEQUENCED GATE / AUDIO PLUGIN ) Introduction There are many sequenced / rhythmic gates out there, but honestly nothing really satisfied me yet. So I decided to write my own plugin for this task. (click on the image for full size screenshot) Some years ago it was a very popular producing style in all the dance.
First of all we need a gate trigger sidechain channel which will send the signal in our gate synth
So create a MIDI track. Next grab and drop a simpler into the channel. Next thing is to find a percussion or drum sound which will operate the gate synth through the Simpler. I used an open hi-hat because I found it can be useful in our purposes. The sample was too long so I turn the length button down to 8.73% because if it is longer the gate won't take his job. Very important thing is the length of the percussion. If it is too long it won't work properly. So be careful when you choose.
When you are ready just create a random midi pattern. You can change pattern at any time as you like. Another thing is to mute the channel because the hit-hat just trigger the gate synth so we wouldn't like to hear. You can do this easily if you mute the side chain channel or in the IO section turn the audio to into send only. In this case you won't hear any drum sound.
Step 2: Make a Synth with Long Sustained Notes
The next thing is make an instrument on a different MIDI channel. I used a Novation V-station because I really like how it is sounds, but you can use another VST instruments. I used the Dance 1 preset tweaked a little bit adjust the high frequencies and used heavy distortion with a massive chorus. I create a random pattern again. The note length has to be long because if it is short the gate won't do anything! So always use long notes at least half bars like in pad patterns.
So here how is it sounds so far:
Step 3: Create Gate Effect with a Gate Device
You can hear that it is long sustained note pattern. The magic just begins! Grab and drop a gate device from Ableton's audio effect devices. Click on the sidechain indicator represented by a small triangle top of the gate effect.
Now you can see the sidechain parameters. Enabling this section with the Sidechain button allows you to select another track from the choosers below. This causes the selected track's signal to act as the gate's trigger, instead of the signal that is actually being gated.
Set the audio from to gate trigger channel or that channel which you use for gate triggering. I labeled to gate trigger. I lower the gain into -4 dB because the channel volume was too high.
The Gate effect passes only signals whose level exceeds a user-specified threshold. So the threshold amount is very important.
The Threshold slider sets the gate's sensitivity. If the gate is open and passing signal (i.e. the signal exceeds the gate threshold), the green LED lights. The Attenuation slider, located beneath the Threshold fader, can attenuate signals below the threshold rather than just cutting them off. If set to -inf dB, a closed gate will mute the input signal.
In our case is very important that the attenuation signal has to be -inf dB because the trance gate like effect built from mute and unmuted passage patterns.
The Attack time determines how long it takes for the gate to switch from closed to open when a signal goes from below to above the threshold. You can play with different values I set to 0.60 sec. When the signal goes from above to below the threshold, the Hold time kicks in. After the hold time expires, the gate closes over a period of time set by the Release parameter.
I set the hold parameter very low (2.84) because I would like that the pattern can be hear clearly. Release too. You can use another values of course. And if you want you can automate the hold parameter in order to make your synth pattern different for time to time.
You can hear now how is it working:
Step 4: Make Some Effects
Mg Trigger Gate Vst Download For Pc
Finally, I used some effects to spice things up. In our case I used a redux bitcrusher to make my synth more aggressive, a phaser to create some frequency modulation and finally an auto filter with band pass adjustment. I created a ping pong delay return channel to make my synth wider.
Final sample:
I hope you can understand now how the trance gate effect works in Ableton! Happy music making!!
Category: Gate
You can see a photo of Golden Audio Gate found to the left.
About: The Golden Audio Gate | GAG-1 is a versatile gate / expander & ducking plug-in made for such applications as noise-gating, gated reverb, voice-over, de-breathing and many other practical and creative purposes. The side-chain can be fed with either internal or external audio, or controlled by a MIDI key. High-cut and low-cut filters are available in the side chain to narrow the frequency range in which the gate should respond. The envelope is controlled by attack, hold and decay parameters where the hold function has a soft release behavior contributing to the unique character of this gate. Other parameters such as range, ratio and knee are used to control the audio attenuation and help make this gate sound more musical than typical “bi-state” noise gates. Three plug-in variants are available in the package; stereo, stereo with side chain, and mono with side chain. There is no latency, which makes this the ideal tool for real time performance in the studio or on stage. All parameters can be controlled from MIDI controllers.
Audio File Title | Preview | Uploaded |
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