Id Returned 1 Exit Status In Dev C++

' ld returned 1 exit status ' Go into your settings and put the warning level on maximum. The compiler should be giving you line numbers, function names, etc in your warnings.


I'm still a beginner for C programming. In my assignment I've encountered this problem and I know is a linker problem but I'm not sure how to solve it. I'm trying to link 3 files which 2 .c files and 1 .h file. Below are the codes for my file:

These 3 files are my codings. I hope someone can help me out. I'm stuck at his problem for long time. Thanks in advance. Appreciate your help.

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I think you mean Ld returned 1 exit status.

Do you really mean you tried to link the 2 c files and the h file or do you mean you compiled the c files and tried to link the resulting objects?

The processor of building a program is

  • Compile each individual source (.c) file producing an object file (.o or .obj)
  • Link all the object files produced in stage 1 with any require libraries

NOTE 1: you neither compile or link header (.h) files, they are included into source (.c) files and the code the contain is compiled in that manner.

NOTE 2: It is very poor practice to #include source files (.c) into other source files (.c) as you have done in your driver.c listing. However if you must/do do that then you should not separately compile the source (.c) that you included.

Normally the IDE handles the build process for you so it would help us to know what tools, compiler tool-chain and/or IDE you are using.

Hi all

I am a noob to C++ and I was getting some source code off the web and this is the second time it has happened, when I compile (Blood Shed Dev) I get a message in the compiler 'permission denied'
'Id returned 1 exit status'
Can anybody help me and tell me what is going wrong please?

Many thanks


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Nick Evan4,005


Don't know about Bloodshed, but what is the code suppose to do? Could you show it? What OS are you using?

Id Return 1 Exit Status

Edited by Nick Evan: n/a